Dr. LeRoy Perry, D.C.
Dr. LeRoy Perry, D.C., C. Ped., CAP, has been called a Renaissance man, a modern day Hippocrates, and a Leonardo da Vinci of our time. And you’ll see why, from his truly impressive array of talents and accomplishments that identify him as an inventive thinker and doer.
As a chiropractor and innovator in sports science, Dr. Perry has designed many healing therapies as well as special exercise equipment. His inventions are an integral part of patient care at the West Los Angeles- based International Sportscience Institute (ISI), of which he is the president and founder.
Dr. Perry was the first chiropractor to serve as an official Olympic Team Doctor, and did so five times. He treated athletes from more than 45 countries, and during the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, South Korea, NBC did a feature report on his work. Dr. Perry has won many civic awards, including the Los Angeles Press Club’s Headlines Award in 1983. Los Angeles Magazine named him “Best Chiropractor in Los Angeles” in 1995.
With cofounder Wilt Chamberlain, Dr. Perry also created the Foundation for Athletic Research and Education (FARE), a 501-c-3 nonprofit foundation that teaches athletes how to enhance performance through proper diet, exercise, and biomechanics. Dr. Perry says, ”The thinking process of a sports scientist is very much the same as a forensic detective. We are trained to look for health clues.”
To learn more about FARE and Dr. Perry’s research,
please go to fareresearch.org –
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Call 310-559-6900 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Perry